Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Too Late to Apologize?

Livejournal writer's block
If there was one person, living or dead, to whom you could apologize, who would you choose, and what would you say?

I've been bitchy to my whole family, but mostly my grandmothers - both are dead.

paternal grandmother (2000):
I had spent the most time as a child with her, but never given boundaries

I would apologize for taking control of the house most times, especially regarding tv. And as such a prominent fact in my life, was given the tv when you left.

maternal grandmother (2010):
sorry I hadn't spent more time with you, it's not like you were that far away.

My easy ability to be unaware has left me without much of a historical story of my family from the only grandparents I've had. Though I still have the 'rents, and the rest.

to myself:
sorry for procrastinating, having tv withdrawal, being sick, moving (in January), having last semester guilt (though thoroughly needed), regressing to 12 etc

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